In this page we will describe the site management method with reference to the treatment of personal data of users who consult it.
It is an informative report which is also provided in the art. 13 of Reg. UE 2016/679 –general data protection regulationi – to those who use the web, entering with the following address corresponding to the initial page of the site.
The information is provided only for this site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links.
The information is inspired by the directives given by the European data protection package which from May 4 2016 provided adeguate technical and organizational security measures for data processing even on line, aims, methods, time, nature of information that data controllers must sign to interested parties, data subjects’ rights.
Following consultation of this site, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed.
The data controller is the CEO of Termotecnica Sebina S.r.l. located in via C. Battisti, 68 – 24062 Costa Volpino (BG) – Italy
Contact e-mail:
Personal data indicated in this site are treated by our company upon the explicit consent of the interested party.
The treatments connected to the web services take place at the beforementioned office of the data controller and are only handled by the party in charge of processing it by the company itsself.
Browsing data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose trasmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
These data ,necessary to the use of web services are also treated for the following reasons:
- obtain statistical information about the use of services (most visited pages, number of visitors according to differet time, geographical areas, etc.);
- control the correct function of services.
Browsing data doesn’t last more than seven days and is cancelled immediately after their aggregation( except for anyjudicial authority needing to investigate crimes).
This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interests but that by their very nature could through processing and association with data obtained from third parties, allow users to be identified.
In this category we have IP addresses or computer domain names used by the visitors,Uniform Resource Identifier addresses of requested researches, the time of enquiry, the method used to enquire the server, the file dimension in the reply, the numeric code indicating the response status given by the server ( successful, mistake, etc..)and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.
Data given voluntarly by the users
The optional, explicit, voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests as well as other personal data included in the message.(Name, e-mail address, subject, message).
Informal statements will be as soon as possible reported or displayed on the site pages of particolar services upon request.
What are cookies?
Cookies are information that a server can send to your Pc, smartphone or tablet when you visit a site or use a social network. The same server which transmitted them can subsequently read or register the cookies you find on your PC, smartphone or tablet in order to obtain several info.
Cookies have different functions : in many cases they are useful because they make web browsing simpler and faster, as with technical cookies,used to save the language usage or a shopping cart. In other cases cookies are used to monitor users during their browsing; the so called profiling cookies record information about what you buy or would like to buy,by analysing your reading, your hobbies, your trips, in order to personalise the advertisement you are shown when you open an e-mail or browse in the social network. There are then third parties cookies, viz the information recorded from different sites compared to those you visited and used for the purpose of profiling.
Further information are availableat on Garante della privacy.
We remind you of the fact that if you browse on this site or if you click on OK or X on the banner ,you declare you have read and accepted the privacy policy and the cookies policy , thus accepting the cookies present on this site.
Types of cookies that we use
We use two types of cookies on this site: ‘session cookies’ and ‘persistent cookies’:
The‘session cookies’ are temporary cookies remaining on the site until you leave it.
The ‘persistent cookie’ remains on your device until you cancel it.
Cookies used by our site
1. Technical cookies
Technical cookies are those which don’t need the user’s consent. These cookies are essential to browse on a website and use all its functions. Without them ,which are absolutely necessary, a web site couldn’t furnish any services or functions and the browsing wouln’t be available and as easy as it is. Such a cookie is moreover used to memorize the user’s decision to use cookies on the web. Other technical cookies are those that permit, for exemple, the backup of the language or shopping cart preferences.
1.2 WordPress cookies
This website was developed on wordpress, therefore it uses cookies implemented by this platform. The memorized cookies concern those who registered an account on the wordpress blog and those who comment on the stories.
Cookies used by wordpress are:
- wordpress_[hash]
- wordpress_logged_in_[hash]
- wp-settings- {time}-[UID]
- cookie_notice_accepted (it’s the cookie used to memorize a user decision about the use of cookies on the website)
All those cookies are persistent and they are released to guarantee a better searching experience on this website.
2. Profiling cookies
This website does not use this type of cookies. Advertising cookies are installed to show our website visitors advertising contents targeted on their personal interests.Those types of cookies work in collaboration with other websites and can track the history on different pages on different domains .Those types of cookies usually keep tracks of the user IP address other than informantion, some of which can be personal.
3. Third party analitics Cookies
These cookies are used to gather information on the website use made by anonimous users as: visited pages, time of staying, traffic source, geographical sources, age, sex and statistic and marketing interests. These cookies are sent by other domains external to the website.
3.1 Google analytics cookie with anonimous IP
Our pages use google analitycs performances cookies with an anonimous IP (service supplied by Google, Inc.) to consentus to gather anonimously and to examine the visitors’ behaviour while using the website and to improve its usability and his user experience. Those are defined anonimously because they can’t be used to indentify specific individuals.
With the use of Google Analitycs panel we can under stand if the visits were made by new or old visitors so that we can verify how they browse the pages (entrance and exit links, shifts from pages, time of stay, geographical sources, etc.)
For further Google analitycs it is possible to consult these websites:
It is possible to destabilize Google Analitycs with the Google tools. For further information consult this site:
Cookies used by Google Analytics are:
- _ga (persistent – 2 years)
- _utma (persistent – 2 years)
- utmb (on session)
- utmt (on session)
- utmz (on session)
- _gat (persistent – 10 minutes)
How to control or cancel the cookies
Most broswers are configured to accept, control or eventually destabilize cookies through settings. For further information visit the appropiate links:
For further information on the cookies or to control the cookies preferences (first and third part )you can visit the platform
Buttons and social network widget
In order to make sure that website contents can be forwarded to social networks from website visitors it is possible to supplement tools in the pages (widget) made avaliable from those social networks .These tools(usually codes inserted in the pages of the host website) can collect third parties cookies installed by social networks(for example Facebook ,Twitter, YouTube, ecc.); our website does not share information with these widgets.
For further information on the cookies of the main social networks it is possible to visit:
We remind you that if you don’t accept our use of the cookies and you decide to destabilize the cookies we use, it can influence your user experience while you visit our website.
Other than what said about searching data, the user is free to give personal data on the personal form “CONTACTS” or on the form ”WORK WITH US”, to be then contacted to the asked service.
Their non-acceptance can involve the impossibility to obtain what was asked.
Personal data are treated for the strictly necessary time to achieve the purpose what they were collected for through automatic and non-automatic electronic tools, and also in paper mode.
Appropiate specific techinical and organizational measures are observed to prevent the data lost, illegal uses or not corrected and non autorized accesses.
The following subjects are collected data receivers as regards the consultation of the sites listed above, according to the article 28 of the regulation,who are responsible for the treatment of :
- external subjects that eventually handle informatic systems and the website of our company for us;
- subjects to whom the ability to access our data is ccorded by law or regulation dispositions;
- other subjects expected by the law.
Personal data collected is treated by our company staff,that acts on the basis of specific instructions given in order to the purpose and method of the processing itsself.
The subjects to whom personal data are referring, according to the article 13, par. 2, lett. b), c), d) of Reg. UE 2016/679, addressing to the treatment holder, can at any time enforce the following rights:
- right of access (art. 15);
- right of rectification (art. 16);
- right of cancellation (art. 17);
- right of limitation (art. 18);
- right of data portability (art. 20);
- right of opposition (art. 21);
- right of proposing a reclaim to a control authority (art. 77);
- right of revoke the concess, in cases foreseen by art. 6, par. 1, lett. a) oppure dall’art. 9, par. 2, lett. a).
The request must be addressed to:
– via e-mail at the address:
– via phone: +39035970661